Wednesday 19 June 2013

How ClickBank Can Help QUADRUPLE Your Blog's Profits!

Clickbank is a well known platform where both those who make products and those who wish to sell those products as affiliates can work towards getting rich together. You see, not everyone can make a product, and not everyone can promote it.
For those who can make a product, Clickbank gives you plenty of opportunities to get your product sold. It provides a great platform for you to identify the niches that are currently selling big time. It also gives you exposure to those who are good at selling as affiliates.
But for those who are able to market, but just can’t put together a product, click bank comes to the rescue. If you have developed a large following of readers, you have the perfect platform to sell some of these products and make huge affiliate commissions. And the best part is – it’s simple.

Setting up your mailing list

First of all, you need to make sure that you have a mailing list of people that will actually be interested in buying your products. There are a couple of ways you can do this, but the most popular is using the Aweber platform. The platform is far too involved for us to provide a detailed explanation in this article.
Once you are set up with Aweber, start driving people to your list. Entice people who are interested in extra special information by offering a free report or special content only for those on your list. From there, it becomes pretty easy.

Provide value to your list

Make sure you constantly provide solid value to those people on your list. You can do this by creating free information rich reports and sending them to your list. Heck you don’t even need to write the report yourself. Either get a ghostwriter, and establish partnerships with bloggers to provide these reports. Get creative and make sure that you are providing these valuable things regularly.
It’s also important to make sure that you communicate with the people on your list in an effective manner. Never refer to it as “my list” or anything like that. Instead, whenever you are referring to the members of your list, call it “the community” or something similar (think about Seth Godin’s Tribes).

Selling Products

Once you have established your list and a regular pattern of providing extra special bonus content, you can offer them products for sale occasionally. This is totally acceptable. If you are regularly providing great content and you decide that there is a product that will really blow them away, then you should offer it to them.

If the product is really worth it, then you will easily be able to show the value to the members on your list and make a pretty decent percentage of sales. You can typically expect that between 1% and 10% of the members on your list will purchase the product. It doesn’t matter if your list has a few hundred people or a few thousand – that equates to a lot of cash.

Selling your own products through Clickbank

Here is the biggest secret to making a ton of money with your blog and Clickbank. Take a look at all of the content that you have created. You no doubt have thousands upon thousands of words on your blog. Some bloggers literally write more words in a month than a novelist writes in a year.
Buried within all of that content are dozens and dozens of special reports and ebooks that others could sell to members of their lists. You just need to setup your account at Clickbank, scour your content, create a products, and go.
It’s really that simple. Remember earlier, when you sold a product to your list, and you had a few people purchase it? That was assuming your list only had 100 people. If your list had 1000 or more your sales would have been far more impressive.
Since it’s going to take a long time to increase your list by multiples, you can harness the lists of everyone in the affiliate community to make a lot of cash in no time at all.
If you aren’t sure what kind of product you want to make, then you can browse the Clickbank product list to determine what the hottest products are right now, and which are going to work the best for your existing content. Once you know, it doesn’t take long to make a product.

Creating your product – what’s the best kind

Understand that most people don’t want to waste their time reading tons and tons of content. The best products are those that sell for $20 to $30 and are no more than 20 to 25 pages. These are known as special reports and contain rich pieces of information that are culled from tons of research.
That’s exactly what you have on your blog. Go back and look through the comments on your site and all of the posts over the years. Grab a notebook and start writing down all of the ideas that come to mind. Once you have a good idea for a special report in mind, you can easily start collecting the information that you need to piece it together.
Your product can then be put on Clickbank and you will be able to start selling tons and tons of products. But it’s better to take it to the next level by looking for individuals who are already in your same niche with a mailing list.
Start going around to all of your “competitors” and look around to see who has a mailing list. You want to contact them and let them know that you also have a mailing list and wanted to know if they were interested in doing some cross site promotions.
You show them your product and give them a sneak preview, and they will review it on their blog and to their list. Get creative here, as this is one of the best ways to maximize exposure AND make yourself a ton of cash.

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